Letters to the Editor

Trudeau turns Europe trip into photo-op

What a shame!  Although we could be doing more, Canada has been so supportive of Ukraine in opposing Putin, a man whose sanity is in question.  The shame of it…

Truck traffic depends on demand, not location

In the March 3 issue of The Beaver (Napanee Residents Raise Concerns During Virtual Meeting) Councillor Johnson raised Tomlinson’s argument that if the proposed asphalt plant is not located in…

Trudeau should have met with protestors

It is only fitting that I extend to Rick Revelle my heartfelt thanks for providing me with more fulsome insights into the recent truckers protest and the background of a…

Government was right not to meet with protestors

Regarding Dick Dodd’s Letter to the Editor on Feb. 17  in the Napanee Beaver. Mr. Dodd’s seems to not have done any research on the so-called “Truckers Freedom Protest.” If he knew…

Justin Trudeau the groundhog

The Wiarton Willie of the Federal Government appeared for the first time after 12 days of the truckers’ protest and delivered the profound and comforting statement, “it has got to…

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