Government was right not to meet with protestors

Regarding Dick Dodd’s Letter to the Editor on Feb. 17  in the Napanee Beaver. Mr. Dodd’s seems to not have done any research on the so-called “Truckers Freedom Protest.” If he knew anything about federal politics he would know that the whoever was in power Conservative or Liberal does not have to power to override provincial laws or to order any police force to do their biding, unless they enact federal emergency laws, then they still cannot instruct the police, only give them powers to use.

I am glad that no government official met with these protestors leadership, beyond his friends in the Conservative Party. The protestors were here to force the federal government to resign and they wanted to force a coalition government with them participating. Hardly democratic. Oh yes, Mr. Dodd wanted Trudeau and Blair to met with the protestors. Did Mr. Dodd ever do any research on who these leaders of the protestors are. Pat King, a self-proclaimed racist involved with the Sons of Odin, Tamara Lich, at one time a member of the Wexit Canada Party and the Maverick Party. Both far right parties wanting to separate from Canada. Her full time job, she is a singer for a bar band. Then there is Romana Didulo who is the self proclaimed Queen of Canada. I am hopeful that Mr. Dodd did not do any research on these people, if he did and still wrote his letter, then I am deeply disappointed on his idea of Canada.

I am happy that Mr. Dodd is not a member of parliament and wanting to meet with this bunch of wack-a-doodles to negotiate the future of Canada.



Rick Revelle




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