Calling on MP Kramp-Neuman to push for legislation to end trucker convoy protests

I am asking our local Member of Parliament, Ms Kramp-Neuman to urge our federal government to enact and enforce emergency legislation to end the current “trucker convoy” protests across our nation but especially in Ottawa. The right to protest peacefully is  understood and accepted, but this, perhaps well-intentioned, protest was hijacked early on by sinister forces. How this injurious behaviour continues with impunity leaves me incredulous. It is clearly unlawful, undemocratic, and hurtful to all Canadians, especially to those in the vicinity of the protests. All parties need to unite in action to end this immediately.

Premier Ford’s declaration of a state of emergency, though late as usual, is welcome. As well, I am certain that the ongoing protests would not have been tolerated if the current Prime Minister Trudeau’s father were in power. In this case the apple has indeed fallen far from the tree.


Stefanie Brochocki

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