Letters to the Editor

Climate crisis or Conservative crisis?

A newspaper columnist from the Washington Post grasped the fundamental issue for Conservatives in our country. “Watching Canada’s Conservative Party leadership debate..you’d never know the planet was speeding towards three…

A letter from the ‘other’ Selby

We were pleased to learn that our two towns have been twinned and hope that this leads to many friendships being forged at all levels and among all ages over…

Not much to celebrate this Earth Day

I wish I could say that Earth is on a healthier trajectory. Notwithstanding an atrocious war caused by a small, soulless man with dreams of empire building, humans are hell-bent…

Thank you Napanee

 Just a short note to thank the township of Greater Napanee for replacing my mailbox post after a mishap with the snowplow this winter. I called the town office and…

Liberal-NDP deal an affront to democracy

The proposed love-in between the Liberals and the NDP is an affront to democracy, makes Parliament unnecessary, further neuters Question Period, makes a joke of the chaotic Conservative leadership race…

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