Climate crisis or Conservative crisis?

A newspaper columnist from the Washington Post grasped the fundamental issue for Conservatives in our country. “Watching Canada’s Conservative Party leadership’d never know the planet was speeding towards three degrees Celsius of warming this century”. Of course, we can see that too but in Ontario, facing an election and a Conservative premier that promises more roads and cheaper license plates, while dismissing the recent storm as merely a once in a lifetime weather event, we are seemingly willing to ignore the obvious.

If the why of this is because voters see the Conservatives as the champions of the economy then we are misguided. The newly elected prime minister of Australia grasps the issue clearly, the pledge to clean energy is a twofold benefit; clean energy will be the economic driver of the 21sr century bringing jobs and economic growth to Australia while reducing the risks from the extreme weather that has impacted Australia. The USA climate agenda is driven with the same motivation. A strong clean energy agenda will create jobs. Coal in Australia and oil in the Americas are destined to decline out of necessity. Our future is best placed in a government that understands the opportunity, otherwise we are destined to buy the technology of the 21st century from the countries that are governed by parties of vision.

“If every problem is an opportunity, then what we have now is a tremendous opportunity cleverly disguised as an insurmountable problem”

Reg Wilson

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