Life-long Conservative switches to New Blue Party

I have been a life-long conservative supporter.

Unfortunately, I have lived long enough to watch our so-called Conservative leader in Ontario abandon every one of his promises and begin to act like, and smell like, our federal Liberal jackass, Trudeau. There is no hope for a party led by such an untruthful sort as he.

Accordingly, I am switching to the one party with a set of planks in their platform that is consistent with true conservative values and aspirations – the New Blue Party. They have yet to fulfil any promises, but the Doug Ford group has had their chance and failed miserably. You personally may have your cap on straight, and I have forever been pleased with all performances of (current Hastings-Lennox and Addington Conservatine MP) Daryl Kramp, yet it is time to accept the reality of recent history, and embrace the better prospect.

Richard Barkosky

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