Letters to the Editor

War amputee veterans started 100-year legacy

 Of the thousands of Canadian soldiers who were wounded while serving in the First and Second World Wars, many returned home missing limbs. United by a common bond of amputation, these…

A Canadian Trump?

So Greater Napanee councillor Bob Norrie wants to fire the integrity commissioner. And why? Because she did not give the answer he wanted. Norrie seems to forget staff function is…

Mayor Isbester should resign

In last week’s editorial, you confused the two different Integrity Commissioner investigations. I believe Greater Napanee councillor Bob Norrie got it right. The mayor should be asked to resign, something…

What’s a post turtle?

While suturing a cut on the hand of 75-year-old farmer the doctor struck up a conversation with the old man. Eventually the topic got around to politicians and their roles…

Trudeau’s comments are divisive

Over the last weeks of federal campaigning, I have been puzzled by Justin Trudeau’s ability to say the opposite of what he means. In one rally he makes grandiose claims…

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