Trudeau’s comments are divisive

Over the last weeks of federal campaigning, I have been puzzled by Justin Trudeau’s ability to say the opposite of what he means.

In one rally he makes grandiose claims to continue fighting against divisive politics, but then in the next rally claims that not voting for him and his party would make me an anti-vaxxer, and an enemy of women’s right.

In weird sleight of hand he somehow manages to divide Canadians by making us believe that not supporting him would be supporting division. And one of his favourite phrases “I am here to support all Canadians”, yet in many of his speeches, I feel mostly hate coming from him, and feel continually targeted and victimized. In 2015 and 2019, he promised me and other young or soon-to-be voters that he would represent Canadian youth at the federal level. But in this election, all I see are red flags of an unhealthy relationship with a narcacist.

Brian Gaucher


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