What a shame! Although we could be doing more, Canada has been so supportive of Ukraine in opposing Putin, a man whose sanity is in question. The shame of it is that our prime minister and his chosen one, Chrystia Freeland, are so obsessed with seeking publicity for each action that they must turn every good deed into a photo-op. The Prime Minister transported plane loads of government photographers and reporters from his favourite financed media, the CBC, on his recent trip to Europe. His underlings actually arranged seven photo-ops in one day and he even produced a tear for one of the photos. What was accomplished by being photographed walking under the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin? The chosen one was asked by a CBC reporter, Travis Dhanraj, why they were spending so much time on photo-ops when there was so much work to be done in Canada by the bevy of Cabinet Ministers and civil servants who accompanied the PM? A snarky response was all that was uttered.
There is no doubt Trudeau hates being questioned in Question Periods in our Parliament which sits infrequently, but loves international travel where his promises and exaggerations are seldom challenged. Now that he is back in Canada, let us hope his many promises and commitments to NATO and Ukraine are pursued.
Dick Dodds