Letters to the Editor

Rights of the unborn?

In a recent letter to the editor, writer Marven Durling comments on previous conversations and opinions regarding abortion rights.  One section caught my eye. Durling writes: “Prolife groups cannot and…

Inspired by the story of Bart the lamb

I feel compelled to comment on the an article submitted by Jacqueline and Jim Wood,  “Bart the lamb is a miracle on Storey Street”. (June 1, 2023) My wife and…

Miracle on Storey Street

Jacqueline and I are pensioners who live on a small hobby farm. We keep a few sheep and chickens. Recently one of our ewes had triplets. One was very small…

Unborn children have a right to live

I am commenting on a recent article entitled “No man has a right to tell a woman what to do with their body”, by Penny Robertson. Her comments were in…

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