Unborn children have a right to live

I am commenting on a recent article entitled “No man has a right to tell a woman what to do with their body”, by Penny Robertson.

Her comments were in response to Bert McCutcheon’s article about abortion being “more than just an issue of rights and freedoms”. I thought Bert’s article was tactful and factual. She stated that Bert’s comments about physical and mental problems after abortion were myths. This is not the case. Many counselors, doctors, and psychiatrists affirm a considerable number who have been negatively affected and regret their decision to abort.

Prolife groups cannot and do not force a woman not to have an abortion. They cover options and let the woman decide for themselves. One of those options is that many couples desire to adopt a child because of their inability to conceive, yet they desire to have a child. Many of us can agree with the statement about men not “having a right to tell a woman what to do with her body”. But what about the living unborn child’s body?

Many educators believe that the body of the living unborn child has a right to live and not be terminated merely as a method of convenience or birth control. They believe in keeping an open mind. May this be the case for all of us. Let us respect and love each other.

Marven Durling, B.A., M.A.

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