Lennox and Addington County General Hospital announced Napanee’s COVID-19 assessment centre will soon move to the Westdale Complex located at 12 Richmond Blvd.
The date of the move is yet to be finalized. Until then, tests will continue to be offered at the Lenadco building, located at 310 Bridge St. Appointments must be made ahead of time by calling 613-354-8254.
Appointments will remain necessary for the new location by calling the same number. An option to book online will also be available at https://surveys.savience.com/s/LACOVIDPUBLIC/.
LACGH says a move to the Westdale Complex will efficiently enable the ramp-up or ramp-down of services as the pandemic evolves. Once the transition to the new site is completed a communication will be shared with the community and the Assessment Centre website information updated.
A move to an appointment-only set up has helped to relieve some of the bottle-necking issues that were seen under the previous model.