KFLA Public Health reports two students at Bath Public School test positive for COVID-19

KFL&A Public Health has been notified that two students at Bath Public School have tested positive for COVID-19.

It has been determined that this case poses no risk to students or staff. As such, no cohorts will be required to isolate at this time and the school will remain open.

Instances when a positive case in a school poses no risk to the school include:

  • The case(s) is learning or teaching virtually and has not been in the school.
  • The case(s) was already isolating and not attending school because they were previously identified as a close contact of a case.
  • The case(s) was not present at the school when they were infectious.

KFL&A Public Health works closely with schools to ensure that necessary steps are taken to prevent further spread of the virus both in the school and the community.

Families should continue to monitor for symptoms of COVID-19 and screen students daily as most cases of COVID-19 are acquired in the home setting.

Cases in schools must be reported locally and provincially. We are sharing this information with you to ensure you have accurate information. No further information will be released to maintain privacy.

Please visit the COVID-19 Confirmed Cases webpage for a list of current cases. This brings total of current active cases in LDSB to six (cases are removed from the website once public health has deemed them resolved and the students can return to school). All schools remain open at this time.

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