
Canada Reads 2023

Amy Kay Hooked on Books Canada Reads is an annual ‘battle of the books’ competition organized and broadcast by Canada’s public broadcaster, the CBC. The goal of the program is…

Finding courage in the amid tragedy

If this week’s edition of the Napanee Beaver had a theme, it would be one of perseverance through extraordinarily difficult circumstances. The story of local mom Tamara Spearing is one…

Women’s bodies, women’s choices

I don’t want to speak for any other woman in this town but this is in response to the man who wrote in about women’s bodies, abortions and completely ignoring…

The day Dilbert got cancelled

By now just about everyone who has followed the popular comic strip Dilbert is aware of the hot water its creator, Scott Adams, currently finds himself in. In a classic…

March L&A Library staff picks roundup

Amy Kay Hooked on Books Here’s a roundup of some books L&A Libraries staff have recently enjoyed. Coleen suggests Leave the World Behind by Rumaan Alam Leave the World Behind…

Supermarket Sweep goes to Ottawa

The CEOs of Sobeys, Metro and Loblaws were called to Ottawa’s Parliament Hill recently to answer questions about the rising cost of grocery bills in this country. The above may…

2023 Oscar nominated films based on books

Amy Kay Hooked on Books Hollywood has been doing book-to-film adaptations for nearly a century. There have been hundreds of books turned into movies, including the popular Harry Potter series,…

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