No man has the right to tell women what to do with their body

I was going to write a long rebuttal of the misinformation in last week’s letter to the editor about the physical and mental health problems related to abortion, but decided against it. After all, most of us are already aware that those are myths perpetuated by the anti-choice movement in order to scare women from seeking terminations. Instead, I have a very brief message for Mr. McCutcheon: no man has the right to tell any woman what she can or cannot do with her own body. And while there may be a number of people who believe they have the right to force a woman to go through an unwanted pregnancy, there are even more of us who disagree.

I would like to suggest that anyone who disagrees with abortion is free not to have one. Instead, they might like to support the following: providing contraceptives free of charge to anyone who needs them, improving sex education curricula in schools, and beefing up social and financial supports for single mothers.
Penny Robertson, M.Ed. (Couns. Psych.)
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