Letters to the Editor

Provincial policies contribute to housing crunch

Homelessness is increasing in Ontario. In Napanee, we now have our very own shanty-town. Prince Edward-Lennox and Addington Social Services, with limited resources, is trying to help but all they can…

Have we become too complacent with budget?

I read with some dismay the reporting of the special budget meeting of council on March 28. I did not attend that meeting, so I cannot comment on what was actually…

Russian interference no ‘witch hunt’

I was surprised to read in your editorial of March 22, 2018 that you used Donald Trump’s characterization of Russian interference in the 2016 Presidential election as a “witch hunt”….

Athletes show good we can do

Watching the Olympic Games, there were several times I was moved to tears. It was amazing, beautiful, and incredible what the athletes of the world, with proper learning and perseverance can make…

Budget process works for Napanee

This is in response to the letter from Keith Chapman in the Dec. 21 edition. Regardless of how Kingston or other bigger centres choose to do things, it has no…

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