Tyendinaga’s FNTI marks 35 years

Sarah Williams
Beaver Staff

It’s been 35 years since the First Nations Technical Institute in Tyendinaga (FNTI) was fully incorporated by the province of Ontario. With this in mind, FNTI has announced a number of celebratory events scheduled throughout 2020-2021.

FNTI is an Indigenous-owned and governed post-secondary institution on the Tyendinaga Mohawk Territory on the Bay of Quinte. They focus on delivering post-secondary programs rooted in culture and Indigenous ways of knowing in partnership with recognized Ontario colleges and universities.

Beginning in January 2021, FNTI will be delivering its standalone Bachelor of Indigenous Social Work program, which will be Ontario’s first degree program credentialed by an Indigenous institute.

To celebrate 35 years of education, FNTI will be shining the spotlight on some alumni and student success stories and will also be featuring some historic milestones. According to their recent press release, they will also be offering glimpses into the new student-centric virtual classroom and inviting the world to experience a day in the life of a student at the institute.

With over 4,000 graduates now working as professionals in various sectors of the economy, FNTI has reason to celebrate.

“We are thrilled to be celebrating this FNTI milestone with the world,” said Suzanne Katsi’tsiarihshion Brant, president at FNTI. “We have been able to serve students and communities from across the province through strategic and focused collaborations with government and partners. Please join us in celebrating the reclamation and continuance of Indigenous traditions and ways of knowing.”

For detailed information about FNTI’s celebratory events, visit www.fnti.net/FNTI35.


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