After twenty years and upon the occasion of my ‘retirement’* from producing the bi-weekly cartoon for The Napanee Beaver, I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Morrison family, as owners, for having confidence that I would always provide material worthy of print and not bring shame on their newspaper.
Also, I would like to state my appreciation for each of the past and present managing editors, Seth Duchene, Adam Bramburger and Adam Prudhomme for being so easy to work with. It still seems like magic that I can send my cartoon in by email and then have it appear in the newspaper that arrives at the end of my driveway a few days later. A HUGE thank you also goes out to the readership of The Napanee Beaver.
I can’t adequately express how much of an encouragement it has been along the way each and every time someone stops me in the supermarket, downtown or at the golf course to express their appreciation for the cartoons. Sometimes they were commenting on the cartoons in general and other times they were being more specific about one that tickled their fancy that week. Then of course there were some who stopped me to say they couldn’t find the dog or “Laura.” Most of the time they had just missed seeing them but on a very few occasions I had to admit I had forgotten one or both of them. Thanks to those who stepped forward with suggestions for the content of a cartoon. I was able to use some of those and whenever I did use your idea, I hope you found your name hidden in the cartoon. Over the past twenty years I have endeavoured to hold up a mirror to our community in such a way that we can all share in a laugh, chuckle, smile or at least a smirk. If I was unsuccessful, let’s just say it was no reflection on me.
*‘retirement’ does not preclude the possibility of an occasional cartoon being submitted if and when there’s an idea burning a hole in my head.