Sandy Eastlake
On the Button
The 25th Napanee Men’s Senior Bonspiel convened by Ken Healy and his committee of Hugh Sharpe and Bert Kea had another successful day with 16 teams curling throughout the day.
This year the team of Joseph Smith, Allan Norton, Peter Aker and Grant Anstey from Quinte Curling Club, a last minute entry, won the event.
The runner up team for the three game winner was the local N.D.C.C. team of Walter Genereux, Dave VanVlack, Ron Menchetti and Allan Wrigglesworth. Two game winners were Andy Palmer, Bill Hogg, Robert Hough, Gord Mitchell from NDCC; R.K.C.C. Vic Matthews, Murray Lynch, Keith Forrest, Ernie Carter and also from NDCC the team of Doug Pennell, Don Kerr, Glenn Goodman, and Max Bishop.
As teams arrived they were greeted with morning goodies by captain Shelley Alkenbrack and team; a great lunch by captain Marilyn Cole and crew followed and the day ended with a terrific prime rib dinner by Ingeborg Donald and helpers.
He gave a big thanks to sponsor Quinn’s Meats and the club’s many volunteers.
Congratulations go out to the team of Ian Munro, Brian Chadwick, Ron Menchetti and Andy Graham on winning the runner up in ‘C’ at that Sportsman Picton Bonspiel. A second team of Scott Webber, Paul McDonald, Don Hogan and Tom Hughes curled two good games but did not make the prize table. Also congratulations to the team of Andy Palmer, Cathy Palmer, Robert Hough and Jane Hough who took second place in the Cataraqui Mixed Invitational last weekend.
NDCC’s Novice League started last Sunday with 14 new curlers with more to sign up this coming Sunday for the club’s eight week session thanks to convenor Pam Jordan and instructors Gayle Johnson, Ian Munro, Steve Eastlake and Kirk Donald. The new TCO Agrimart (formerly Farmers Bonspiel) is set to go for Saturday, Feb. 3 and the Ladies Club is set for Feb. 4, with a sign up sheet on the bulletin board. Both bonspiels are full but there is always a need for spares. NDCC’s new event, paint night, is being held Saturday Feb. 17 and has limited seating so check the bulletin board or call Linda Bongard 613-3101 to get one of the seats.