Adam Prudhomme
Winter is fast approaching and with it can come the need for unexpected costly home repairs.
To assist those who might already have a stretched budget, Prince Edward Lennox and Addington Social Services is launching the Ontario Renovates Program. Just under $200,000 has been made available to local low to moderate income homeowners in need of crucial home maintenance.
Individual homeowners could qualify for up to $25,000 in a 10-year, interest-free forgivable loan, with an additional $5,000 available for accessibility repairs, provided as a grant with no repayment required.
“For this particular year, PELASS has decided that we’re going to solely focus on vulnerable homeowners, just because the cost of living is so high and its so hard to get contractors these days so we thought it would be best to put all of our resources into that segment,” said Jason Morash of PELASS. “If a homeowner is eligible based on their particular income bracket, they’ll be eligible for up to $25,000 to go towards these essential repairs that will help ensure that they remain housed.”
Ultimately the goal is to help those living paycheque to paycheque to remain in their homes as a sort of preventive method to the growing homelessness issue in the region.
“Some of these people need their furnace replaced or their roof is leaking and if they don’t get access to some kind of funding or assistance, they’re going to be either out on the street or facing very high market rent,” said Morash. “That just perpetuates the problem. So they’re kind of in a rock and a hard place. This program does provide that needed assistance.”
Those looking to create an affordable secondary unit on their home could also qualify for the program, which would provide up to $25,000 through a 15-year interest-free forgivable loan. Accessibility upgrades are also available for landlords in the form of $15,000 per unit, with a maximum of two units, through a 15-year interest-free forgivable loan to make affordable rental units more accessible for seniors and those with disabilities.
Applicants must apply to the program by the end of October and can do so by contacting