PEC councillor praises Napanee businesses who help neighbours across the Bay Bridge

I’m a Municipal Councillor in nearby Prince Edward County (PEC). For the course of the current COVID-19 pandemic, I’ve been volunteering with our PEC food/food insecurity sector.

My role has been focused on sourcing donations and delivering critical items such as masks, sanitizers, cleaning products and boxes for our food banks, food depots and hub kitchens. These volunteer-driven venues are providing necessary food to those in need, specifically the most vulnerable in our County community-folks such as shut-ins, the homeless, and seniors. In doing this, I’m very moved by, and grateful to Napanee businesses who have themselves stepped up and offered to assist. It is a testament to our regional sense of solidarity and compassion that businesses in your community didn’t hesitate to help a neighbouring municipality in need.

Companies such as Napanee’s FireRein Inc., HomeHardware, Giant Tiger, and Shoppers Drug Mart all contributed items to keep our volunteers safe and make their vital jobs easier. I just wanted to acknowledge that and offer a public thanks. When you’re up, your friends know who you are. But when you’re down, you know who your true friends are. I can confirm that Prince Edward County has a true friend in Napanee.


Bill Roberts, Councillor – PEC PEC Food Food Insecurity Task Team Mayor’s Economic Recovery Team

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