Beaver Staff
Two men were arrested yesterday for alcohol-related offences following two separate incidents.
The latest incident occurred at 8 p.m. while members of the Loyalist OPP were on patrol on County Road 6 and noticed a vehicle failing to stop for a stop sign.
The officers stopped the GMC Sierra truck to speak with the driver. They discovered that the man was driving with a suspended licence and suspected he was impaired by alcohol. According to the police, the driver failed a roadside screening device; he was arrested at the scene and transported to the Napanee OPP detachment for further breath samples.
A 61-year-old man from Stone Mills Township was charged with driving with more than the legal limit of alcohol in his system and driving with a suspended licence. He is to appear in provincial court in Napanee on Aug. 1 to answer to the charges.
Earlier the same day, at 3:15 p.m., Loyalist OPP officers were dispatched to the Camden East ONroute station after receiving multiple 911 calls regarding a male causing a disturbance in the parking lot and inside the building.
According to the OPP, they found the man intoxicated and causing a disturbance. He was arrested at the scene for being intoxicated in a public place. The man continued to be uncooperative with police and was transported to the Napanee OPP detachment. Police said the man continued to cause a disturbance while in custody, and attempted to damage a cell at the detachment.
A 34-year-old man from Barrie is facing one count each of being intoxicated in a public place, causing a disturbance and mischief under $5,000. He is scheduled to appear in provincial court today in Napanee for a bail hearing.