NIMBY has a place

In recent years the NIMBY concept has gotten a bad rap; based on the misconception that someone who says “Not In My BackYard” in regards to unpleasant installations is somehow wishing it on a neighbour’s backyard. That is not necessarily the case. 

The permanent hot asphalt plant proposed by R.W. Tomlinson Ltd. to be located in the town of Napanee – in unacceptably close proximity to many backyards and farms, the Napanee River and Greater Napanee Water Shed, parks and conservation areas, the historic downtown, schools and churches, and sensitive ecosystems – is a situation where NIMBY definitely applies. However, we don’t wish a permanent hot asphalt plant on any other small town either.

We recognize the possible need for such industries and sympathize with some other writers’ concerns for the profitability of Tomlinson; the only business in Napanee for which an asphalt plant would be beneficial. And admittedly, we purchased our home with a large paved driveway already in place; even though our personal preference would have been gravel and grass. That does not justify locating a hot asphalt plant just down the road; seeming a lot like revenge. I also eat chicken: Doesn’t mean that I want a live chicken slaughtered and dressed on my front porch before dinner.

The objective of the Keep Napanee Great citizens’ group is that hot asphalt plants and other toxic adjuncts such as concrete batching plants be located appropriately distant from residential and sensitive environmental areas. In a province the size of Ontario with widely dispersed quarries, that should be possible. Hence our belief in the judicious application of NIMBY. And contrary to a recently published comment that we can’t say no to Tomlinson ‘just because’, NIMBY and the preservation of Napanee’s health, welfare and environment suggest that we can ‘Just Say NO to an Asphalt Plant’. Find out more at or email

David Noyes
Keep Napanee Great

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