Napanee Terry Fox Run closing in on $20,000 raised

Adam Prudhomme-Staff A chalk message at the starting line of the 2023 Napanee Terry Fox Run reminds participants of the journey Terry Fox began back in 1980, which has since grown to a global fundraiser aimed at curing cancer. Photo by Adam Prudhomme.

Perfect weather conditions greeted the participants for this year’s Napanee Terry Fox Run, which departed from Springside Park with options for a 5 km or 10 km route.

With money still being counted at press time, this year’s run was well on its way of meeting it’s goal of $20,000, with $18,103 brought in so far. Money raised from the event will go to the Terry Fox Foundation, which aims to eradicate cancer.

Communities across Canada held similar run, walk or rolls on Sunday in honour of Terry Fox, who embarked on his cross-country run on April 12, 1980. The theme for 2023’s run was Dear Terry, with participants encouraged to write postcards to express what Terry’s story means to them.

This marked the 41st annual run in Napanee.

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