Music to students’ ears: Centreville Public School receives sound fields donation from Newburgh-Camden Lions

Newburgh Camden Lions present staff and students of Centreville Public School with a $2,166 donation to cover the cost of sound amplification systems for the classroom. Submitted photo.

The students at Centreville Public School are tuning in to their lessons with greater ease thanks to the purchase of three new sound fields for their primary classrooms. Thanks to the effort of teachers Heidi Tyler, Shauna Whiteside and MaryLynn Kimmett, their rooms are now equipped with microphones and amplifiers that boost the teacher’s voices a few decibels above the general hum of Kindergarten, Grade 1 and Grade 2 classes.

In the 2022-23 school year, two identical systems were installed to serve the needs of two students identified with mild hearing impairments. The teachers quickly noticed how these systems were benefiting all their students. With well-documented research to support their request, the trio of teachers approached the School Advisory Council and principal Peter Mouncey to provide funding.

Not stopping there, they contacted the Newburgh-Camden Lions Club who have contributed $2,166, the cost of one full system.

“We were overwhelmed by the generosity of the Lions Club,” said Tyler. “We didn’t expect they would respond so quickly and with such a large donation, but we shouldn’t have been surprised. The Lions have supported our students and teachers for years.”

As expected, the students immediately noticed the improvement when the sound systems were installed in November. They like that they can easily hear their teachers’ voices.

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