Letter: Candidates need to hear importance of pool project

In the 2014 municipal election, the topic of a much- needed indoor pool was one of the top issues brought forward by voters to the roster of people seeking election.  Greater Napanee doesn’t have that facility yet, but we’ve never been as close to seeing that project move from a vision to reality.

The Town’s pool task force committee has worked over the past four years to ensure we have identified what residents want and will support in an indoor pool, through a detailed analysis by Leisure Plan International; we have validated that the best location for an aquatic facility is at the Strathcona Paper Centre; and in June, council unanimously approved a multi-use aquatic/fitness facility in principle, subject to an approved financial strategy, and to enter into negotiations with the YMCA in good faith to reach a memo of understanding for the operation of that facility.

We live in a wonderful and generous community, and the addition of an indoor pool will not only benefit the health and safety of everyone, young and old, but it will help to attract families and businesses.

Please ensure that you talk to candidates at every opportunity about the importance of moving forward, in a responsible and thoughtful way, to break ground on the multi-use aquatic/fitness Facility as soon as possible.

Deb Lowry


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