Looking Back Week of October 4
70 Years Ago October 6, 1948 –Power restrictions came into effect with services to Napanee interrupted from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily. …
70 Years Ago October 6, 1948 –Power restrictions came into effect with services to Napanee interrupted from 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. and from 5 p.m. to 6 p.m. daily. …
Adam Bramburger Beaver Staff Napanee’s three incoming doctors may come from varied distances and backgrounds, but they’ve found common bonds in their shared passion for family medicine and an acquired…
Retribution or rehabilitation. That’s the age-old debate about what corrections systems in Canada and around should see as their primary focus. The debate resurfaced again at the House of Commons…
Laurie Snider Notes from the Nest We hopped on the orange dragon, and motored out to the middle of the orchard to chat. It was grey and overcast, with a…
Adam Prudhomme Beaver Staff A strong showing for Team Ontario at the Football Canada Cup in July has earned Napanee’s Braden Hart a spot on Canada’s U18 national team. Hart…
Adam Bramburger Beaver Staff As if the crisp, bright weather and the last chance to buy fresh produce at the Hometown Market weren’t enough reason on their own to come…
Justin Medve Special to the Beaver When life gets tough, sometimes a helping hand can make a difference. Other times, a helping hoof can do just the same. At Charmed …
Adam Bramburger Beaver Staff A youth services hub proposed by the United Way of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington and supported by 14 agencies will be set up at the…
In the 2014 municipal election, the topic of a much- needed indoor pool was one of the top issues brought forward by voters to the roster of people seeking election. …
Adam Prudhomme Beaver Staff Possessing a background in financial and investment planning, coaching and community service, Sam Salaam has worn many hats over the last 20 years in Greater Napanee….