Adam Prudhomme
Bookworms can rejoice as Lennox and Addington County Libraries will be offering curb side pickup for new requests on June 8.
On Monday the county’s libraries opened their drop box to accept returns and began to offer curb side pickup for outstanding requests made prior to the closure due to COVID-19.
Starting next week the second phase will begin, when they will respond to new requests. Library patrons can call 613-354-4883 ext. 0 to make a request and arrange a curbside pickup time. The Napanee, Amherstview and Tamworth branches will also begin to observe regular hours for curbside pickups as well.
Prior to having to close its doors for public safety, the L&A County Library was beginning a rebranding effort to let people know about their many services. Part of that included the creation of a new, more colourful logo, which was just one step in a much broader awareness campaign.
“Normally we lend out all manner of items, telescopes to bicycles to sewing machines and museum passes,” said Catherine Coles, manager of L&A County Library services. “We have programs for all ages, including some programs you might not expect, involving technology and robotics. Our programmer (Kate Wilson) has been great at getting all sorts of programs off the ground. Unfortunately our branches have been closed, we’ve been pretty limited in what we can offer that way, but (COVID) won’t be around forever and by then we can open our doors and get that stuff started again.”
Though their brick and mortar buildings have been closed, the library has continued to offer plenty of materials to keep residents amused during the lock down.
“We are offering quite a bit online which is another large part of it,” added Coles. “Our digital collections are quite strong and we’ve really invested in them in the last few months. We’ll be launching more programs online too.”
As part of the rebrand they’ve also updated their website, which can be found at