L&A Libraries introduce several new programs for 2020

Adam Prudhomme

Book clubs with beer, board games and a writer’s forum-those are just some of the new programs that will be introduced by Lennox and Addington’s Libraries in 2020.

Books on Tap, Crafting for a Cause, Unplugged Gaming and L&A Writer’s Forum with Rick Revelle are all new programs that were announced last week, to be added with returning favourites such as STEM Quest, P.A. day programming and Tween and Teen Night.

“In October we put out a programming survey,” explains L&A Libraries programming and outreach coordinator Kate Wilson. “A lot of the feedback we got was they wanted to do something different with book clubs-a lot of people always want to add wine to the book club-and a lot of people actually mentioned doing board games.”

Those suggestions led to the creation of two new programs. The first-Books on Tap-will see members meet the second Tuesday of each month, alternating between the Waterfront River Pub and the Loaf N’ Ale in Napanee. Starting on Jan. 14 at the Waterfront, patrons can sip on a pint of beer while they discuss pop culture, books and play board games.

Board game enthusiasts can also check out Unplugged Gaming, which will include classics such as Boggle, Scrabble and other board games. The goal is to get people to put down their phones or tablets and enjoy the company of friends and family. Each library will have different times and dates, check the Library’s program guides for each branch.

Crafting for a Cause will explore ‘craftivism’, where members will make heartfelt creations for those in need in the community. Junior library staff will also be on hand to keep school age kids amused while the adults work on their latest knitting or sewing project. Check the library’s program guide for dates, times and branches.

The writing forum, led by local author Rick Revelle, is geared towards aspiring authors.

“This isn’t a class, it’s more or less a time for people who are interested in writing and getting their work out there,” said Wilson. “To come together and just go over (their work), do some editing, talk about the industry. It’s not learning about how to write, it’s about talking to other like-minded people about the craft.”

Members are encouraged to bring a few pages of their work so others can read along. The group is open to both published and unpublished authors. For more information contact Revelle@Kingston.net.

The next writing forum will take place Jan. 16 at the Amherstview branch followed by Feb. 3 at the Napanee branch, both at 6 p.m.

Wilson said the programs were created in an effort to reach library patrons of all ages, more so targeting those who are typically busy during the day with free time in the evenings.

For more information on all the library’s programs, visit www.CountyLibraries.ca.

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