Council asks Xplornet to explore another location for proposed tower in Selby

Selby Community Hall. Photo by Adam Prudhomme.

Adam Prudhomme

Greater Napanee council is asking Xplornet to select a new location for a 50m self-supporting telecommunications tower currently proposed to be built on Pleasant Drive in Selby.

Deputy mayor Max Kaiser made the successful motion to send a letter to Xplornet asking them to find a new spot for the tower. Kaiser made the request on behalf of Matt Fennell and Jessica Tyner of Selby Creek Farms, who appeared before council on Nov. 9. They stated the tower’s proposed location is too close to their home, which is also where they operate a horse boarding and riding lesson facility and the tower’s proximity may cause them to lose clients.

“This is basically going to be off our front door step,” Fennell said of the location of the tower. “I don’t see any reason why we can’t ask Xplornet to come back to the table and talk if this proposal is voted down tonight. I’m asking this proposal to be voted down at this point, but there’s no reason Xplornet can’t come back and if there truly is a need to have this tower on this selected property, then why can’t we look at moving it to even the most southeastern part of the property where it wouldn’t affect as much of the community as well as render some of our property unusable.”

Kaiser agreed with Fennell and expressed his disappointment over the fact no representative from Xplornet attended the meeting to speak on behalf of their proposal. He also brought attention to the fact Romin Inc., a sub-contractor for Xplornet, published notification of the proposed tower in the Community Press Belleville and not the Napanee Beaver. The Community Press is not circulated in Selby whereas the Beaver does serve that community. When town staff informed Romin Inc. of this, they still chose not to publish in the local paper.

“We’ve talked here about the Eastern Ontario Regional Network, I think that Xplornet, this tower is probably addressing those concerns about improving access to broadband and cell gap across Eastern Ontario,” said Kaiser. “I’m concerned about the apparent cavalier attitude that either the installation sub contracting company for Xplornet or Xplornet themselves has towards the process, as you mentioned posting in the neighbouring municipality’s paper. Also not willing to come here tonight, not willing to speak directly. I’m a big proponent in expanding the service and providing the necessary improvement in service for broadband and for cellphones and for all the like, but they’ve got to meet us halfway and be reasonable.”

Councillor Ellen Johnson agreed.

“One of the things that concerns me is Xplornet is not here to speak to it and number two their responses to people who sent emails to them seemed very canned,” said Johnson. “They were not interested in addressing individual concerns.”

Kaiser made it clear he didn’t object to the tower itself, simply the proposed location.

“I don’t want to be shutting the door on them, I just want to say you got to try again, you didn’t quite hit it on the nail this time,” added Kaiser.

Mayor Marg Isbester noted council wouldn’t have the final say, but they could have some sway in the final decision.

“We don’t have a lot or jurisdiction over this, but if you want to do business with us, it might be the right way to approach us,” Isbester said of working with the municipality to find a solution that works for everyone involved.

-Following up on a recommendation made in the KPMG review of the town’s property sales process, council has selected Rogers and Trainer Commercial Realty Inc. Brokerage to conduct a pilot project.

The project will see the town enlist the help of a real estate agent for the listing of town owned properties.

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