Desiree DeCoste
Beaver Staff
Among everything else in the world going on right now food insecurity shouldn’t be something anyone should have to worry about.
Unfortunately the world we live in, food insecurity is something a lot of people struggle with and worry about.
Dan McGrath, President of the Bath and District Lion’s Club wanted to let everyone know who are in need of their food bank services, the St. John’s Hall is open for business.
“Our Community is much like many communities across our country experiencing many insecurities during these troubling times, including food,” stated McGrath. “But we the Bath and District Lion’s Club are here to assist, help and give comfort to the residents in our community.”
During the beginning of the pandemic demand was high and supplies were getting low in the food bank which called for a one day food drive.
“During the early months of the pandemic COVID-19 the demand for food supplies was so great that supplies in the food bank were getting low,” McGrath expressed. “So in early June in partnership with a local concerned resident a call was put out and a one day food drive was organized where members of the community could drop off food supplies as well as donations. The response was overwhelming and in a two and half hour period our food bank was fully restock and approximately $1,700 was donated.”
Lion Tom Houston reported the request for assistance has increased approximately 20 per cent since the pandemic began.
“Our Food Bank chairman Tom (Houston) has purchased food vouchers from our local food market which he will distribute along with any food items to the families who are in need require,” McGrath said. “Whether in assessing our youth in upgrading our playgrounds and parks, our residences in need of our food bank or our seniors though volunteering with the VON in delivering meals and checking on their wellbeing or someone who is just in need of someone to talk to, we are here to just listen.”
Also offered through the Bath and District Lion’s Club is mobility equipment for those in the community who require it. Used wheelchairs, scooters, canes and walkers are available through their loaner program.
McGrath added, “Our Club really needs more members and would really like to have more ladies in our great community join us.”
To contact the food bank call Houston at 343-363-7222 or Hobbis for food bank and/or the mobility equipment at 343-364-0936
For seniors assistance contact McGrath at 613-352-3320 and/or Lion Dave 613-561-3407
For spiritual guidance contact Lion Noel 613-893-2481.