Writers’ Forum: learning to drive

After three previous attempts between the ages of 18 and 30, I was determined to learn to drive, to overcome my fear of being in an accident! I knew the statistics of that happening were low. Nearly everyone I knew drove, even both of my younger sisters for pete’s sake. I could do this!

During previous attempts, family members or friends had taken me out in their vehicles. I was nervous that I would crash their car even though we were in an empty parking lot or a very deserted road. One time it nearly came true. The friend who took me driving was very supportive but I was so nervous that I hit the gas instead of the brake and nearly crashed into the brick wall of an office building.

This time I had booked driving lessons; maybe I would be less nervous with someone I didn’t know.  Didn’t they deal with nervous ninnies like me all day long?

The day came and the instructor was standing at the rear of the vehicle with the keys. When I attempted to get in the passenger side, he asked “what are you doing?” I told him I’m ready to go to an empty parking lot to practice. He said, “Oh, usually people drive from here.   Come on, get in the driver’s seat” and passed me the keys. I froze. I said, “I can’t drive on the road with other cars on it!” He said I should make another appointment to come back when I was ready for driving lessons.

Sweating, my face and neck went bright red.  The hot day was not the cause. I was embarrassed but also confused and a bit angry too. Wasn’t that what driving lessons were for? For people who don’t know how to drive to become comfortable behind the wheel in a place where they won’t cause an accident? With tears in my eyes and zero confidence, I went back inside the house.

Five years later, at age 42, I buckled down, fought the fear and got my license. We had moved to the country and I needed to commute to Kingston for work each day.

That was 15 years ago and I can now laugh about my experience with the driving instructor and all of my trial runs with friends and family. I hope they can too!

-Michelle Cole

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