Catherine Coles
Coles Notes
Marg Wood of the Napanee Branch of the County of Lennox & Addington Libraries, recently enjoyed The Cold, Cold Sea by Linda Huber, “an atmospheric psychological thriller/mystery” that she says grabbed her from the very first page.
“In fact, I read this powerfully suspenseful, heart wrenching book in just one sitting,” says Marg. “The darkly disturbing cover showing a row of cottages on a deserted beach under a stormy sky had me instantly hooked!”
“At the heart of the story we find Maggie, whose young daughter disappears on their family vacation from a beach in Cornwall, England. An intensive search fails to recover young Olivia (Livvy) but her mother refuses to give up hope or to leave the cottage they were staying in until she gets news of her whereabouts. Several months later and still no news, Maggie begrudgingly returns home to be with her husband Colin and young son Joe but the family dynamics have changed and life is torture for her as she struggles daily to get by.”
“Another storyline revolves around emotionally unstable Jennifer and her young daughter Hailey. Jennifer has had nothing but unconditional love for Hailey for the past five years but lately Hailey seems depressed, sullen and generally difficult to handle. That, combined with the fact that Jennifer’s husband has been called away on an extended stay to California to be with his dying grandmother, has made life extremely difficult for pregnant (with twins) Jennifer.”
“The lives of these two families soon become tragically intertwined as we learn the truth surrounding the fate of Livvy and we discover the tragic connection between Maggie’s and Jennifer’s families,” Wood explains.
“The character development achieved by the author in this story made it an emotionally intense, riveting and chilling page-turner that I would suggest to fans of B.A. Paris, Clare MacKintosh, Gillian Flynn, Ruth Ware and Paula Hawkins to name a few.”
The Cold, Cold Sea is available in both print and e-book formats. Reserve your copy today from your branch of the County of Lennox & Addington Libraries or online at
Catherine Coles is the manager of library services for L&A County.