Salvation Army kicks off annual Kettle Campaign

Salvation Army Kettle Campaign co-ordinator Tammi Switzer stands next to Majors Valerie and Mike Hennesey during Friday's Kettle Campaign kick-off. Photo by Adam Prudhomme.

Adam Prudhomme
Beaver Staff

Mixed in among the crowd of hundreds of people mingling about on Dundas Street during Friday’s Big Bright Light launch stood a familiar kettle hanging from a bright red pole.

That kettle, a long-standing holiday tradition, signified the start of the Napanee Salvation Army’s annual Christmas Kettle campaign.

Running through Dec. 24, Salvation Army volunteers will be found next to kettles at seven locations throughout town-No Frills, Metro, Wal-Mart, Giant Tiger, Canadian Tire and Country Traditions, accepting monetary donations. A handful of boxes will be set up on countertops at businesses throughout the community as well, mostly within the downtown core.

“We’re hoping to raise $50,000,” said Tammi Switzer, who is in charge of this year’s Napanee Salvation Army Kettle Campaign. “The money stays local and goes towards our food bank, Christmas hampers, summer camps, community gardens and good food box program.”

This year they’re hoping to supply 250 families with Christmas hampers full of food during the holiday season. During an average month, the local charity helps 90 households who struggle to make ends meet.

“We’re still looking for some volunteers to help man our kettles in December if anyone has time to spare,” said Switzer.

At least 70 volunteers are needed to make it run smoothly, with ideally closer to 100 on hand to help fill a shift in need be. Volunteering involves being next to the kettle and accepting any donations. Anyone interested in volunteering can call 613-354-7633.

Dating back to 1891, the Salvation Army Christmas Kettle can be found in communities across the world. The campaign got its starter when Salvation Army officer Captain Joseph McFee set up a crab pot on a tripod asking for donations from people as they got off the Oakland ferry.

Here in Canada, the first kettle was set up in St. John’s, NFLD back in 1906.

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