Roundabout funding a welcome sight

Delighted to hear that funding is in place for that problematic Deseronto Road crossroad. “Often mistaken as a four-way stop rather than just a two-way” – how has this mistake been made so many times?

Signage, over-size signage, flashing lights, textured road way – and people still are being seriously hurt or killed. I don’t understand – is it distracted drivers? 

My suggestion is that the roundabout be offset so that the approach to the roundabout on the west and east sides remain ‘as is’ but making a gentle curve approach necessary for the south and northbound entries.

Three possible advantages: only two parcels of land (NE, SE) need to be purchased as opposed to four, that copse of trees and fields (SW, NW) can remain untouched and we will have elevated the safety factor of the road by causing north/south traffic to slow down as they approach to the roundabout.

Carol McAlpine

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