Rural Frontenac Lennox and Addington’s Allied Health Team’s hiking group will be hosting a free family event Feb. 11 at the Frink Centre in Belleville.
Running from 1-4 p.m., the program will include hike safety information, what to do when lost, what to pack in a bag when going on a hike and practice building a survival shelter. RFLA Allied Health Team staff will be on hand to lead a guided snowshoe and hike with games along the way, complete with a campfire and roasting marshmallows.
Advance registration is required and can be done by contacting Space is limited.
Located at 381 Thrasher Road, Frink Conservation Area and Outdoor Education Centre trail follows the Moira River and continues along the Wetland Ecology Boardwalk.
This free event is open to youth of all ages.