In the early evening on Sunday December 10 at the Strathcona Paper Centre there was a show of the absolute worst display of sportsmanship by a coach that should get the attention of all other organizations. The degree of rage and violence was not like I have ever seen before other than the movies or some random YouTube video on the internet from another country.
Although most organizations have come out with a Respect in Sport program that is mandatory for all involved, even parents, it has had little to no affect for those people who think they can yell, scream profanities and borderline assault game officials.
There has to be a point in time where this behaviour ends. Far too much this season bench staff has been acting out of line. This poor behaviour is seen at all levels of hockey in Napanee in both girls and boys divisions. This is going to have serious consequences to the future of our sport program here in Napanee.
Bench staff needs to understand that no matter what, there is always a better way to deal with frustration during a game than yelling and screaming at kids and game officials. I have seen the effects of this kind of behaviour on our young officials and players and it’s not good. Seeing our young officials stressed from a coach and bench staff after a game is very disheartening.
Coaches and bench staff should know better. You know who you are. Take a few minutes to reflect on your actions and realize the kind of behaviour you are reflecting to your players, parents and your community.
Landon Wiltshire