Adam Prudhomme
Teams of up to 12 members will have the chance to test their strength on June 8 as they work together to pull a 55,000 pound Greater Napanee Emergency Services fire truck in the Heroes with Rope, Pulling for Hope challenge.
Held in downtown Napanee and organized by the Downtown Greater Napanee BIA, the teams will be tasked with pulling the truck 100 feet as fast as possible. Winners in five different categories will be recognized with an award. The entry fee is $500 per team.
“Half (of the money raised) will go to Kingston 4 Paws to aid in the purchasing of a dog for a first responder with post traumatic stress disorder (PTSD),” explains Kevin Duncan of GNES. “The other half is going to the (FireFit) combat team.”
Money raised from the Pulling for Hope event coupled with a fundraising golf tournament held at Loyalist Golf and Country Club on June 7 is expected to garner enough to purchase a service dog. While the recipient of the dog will remain anonymous, Duncan says it will be a local first responder.
PTSD among first responders is common as they see the aftermath of horrific tragedies and accidents. Some of those sights are forever ingrained in their memory and can affect their everyday lives.
“Paramedics, police, fire, even jail guards, they see a lot of things,” said Duncan. “I’ve been there too and I’ve managed to battle through it but it can be a tough thing. If these dogs can help, I’m all for it.”
The other half of the money will support the local fire fit team as they compete in competitions across Canada and the U.S. with the hope of representing Napanee at the FireFit Worlds, which will be held in Montgomery, AL. in October.
Teams can register for the June 8 Pulling for Hope truck pull by visiting All participants must be at least 16 years of age.