Pickleball club, township staff could be more transparent

Dale Ennis

Recent rulings and regulations instigated by the executive committee of the Bath Pickleball Club are ominous. Although this club is only a minor player (and costly one) in the overall operations of Loyalist Township recreation, their situation should be instructive to Loyalist taxpayers.

For example:

* Six couples presented themselves as the “transition” team for pickleball in Loyalist and then evolved into the self-elected Bath Pickleball Club executive committee. Three of these couples are non-residents of Loyalist.

* The committee has already declared next year’s non-resident president.

* Membership fees for Loyalist residents (the major funding source) were increased this year to match the non-residents’ fees.

* At anytime, a “cap” (total number of new members accepted) can and has been enforced. Such enforcement at the committee’s discretion prevents residents from joining, yet maintains memberships for non-residents.

* During indoor play, there have been twice as many observing as there are playing. Thus, residents have been discouraged from playing or even becoming a member.

*The Napanee Pickleball Club was given permission to use the Bath courts during this season’s outdoor play—once again preventing residents from using the  courts.

*If you want to provide input, you must approach the executive with at least 10 other like-minded members to be considered for acceptance to discuss your suggestions.

*Any existing or prospective member may arbitrarily have their membership refused. Loyalist residents have had their memberships declined by the executive.

The Bath Pickleball Club executive members decided not to speak with former pickleball officials for any guidance or suggestions. A meeting to discuss this pickleball situation, on different occasions, was avoided by the recreation director, the mayor and two councillors. This avoidance of any positive action is inappropriate for those in positions of public trust.

Where is the oversight, the openness, the accountability and the transparency of the staff and the Loyalist Township council?

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