Petition to link Napanee to Kingston via public transit

As a resident of Napanee, I am deeply concerned about the lack of accessible public transportation options connecting our community to vital resources in Kingston. It is crucial that we address this issue by extending the City of Kingston bus service to Napanee and establishing a reliable public transit route between the Kingston Health Science Centre, Napanee Hospital, St. Lawrence College, and Queen’s University.

Personal Story: I have personally experienced the challenges faced by individuals living in Napanee who require access to healthcare services, educational institutions, and employment opportunities in Kingston and vice versa in Napanee . A few months ago, my elderly mother fell ill and needed specialized medical care at the Kingston Health Science Centre. However, due to limited transportation options available in our area, it was incredibly difficult for us to travel back and forth between Napanee and Kingston regularly.

Not only did this situation cause immense stress for my family but also financial strain due to expensive taxi fares or relying on friends for rides. It became clear that there is an urgent need for improved public transit connectivity between our two communities.

Reasons for Support:

1. Healthcare Accessibility: Connecting Napanee residents with the renowned medical facilities at the Kingston Health Science Centre will ensure timely access to specialized treatments and reduce unnecessary delays or complications.

2. Educational Opportunities: Extending public transit from Kingston to Napanee will enable students from our community to pursue higher education at St. Lawrence College or Queen’s University without facing transportation barriers.

3. Economic Growth: Improved connectivity will enhance job prospects for residents of both communities by enabling easier commuting options between workplaces located in both cities.

4. Environmental Benefits: By encouraging more people to use public transit instead of individual vehicles, we can significantly reduce carbon emissions while promoting sustainable transportation alternatives.

5. Community Integration: Strengthening the bond between Napanee and Kingston through accessible public transit will foster a sense of unity, collaboration, and shared resources between our communities.

It is high time that we address the transportation disparities faced by Napanee residents by extending the City of Kingston bus service to our community and establishing a reliable public transit route connecting key institutions like the Kingston Health Science Centre, Napanee Hospital, St. Lawrence College, and Queen’s University.

By signing this petition, you are expressing your support for improved public transit connectivity between Napanee and Kingston, enabling better access to healthcare services, educational opportunities, employment prospects, and fostering community integration.

Together, let us advocate for change that benefits all residents in our region!

A link to the petition can be found at:

Sanjeev Kumar

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