The Alzheimer Society of Kingston, Frontenac, Lennox and Addington will host its biggest fundraiser of the year on May 11.
Departing from Napanee’s John M Parrott Centre at 9 a.m., the IG Wealth Management Walk for Alzheimer’s raises much needed funds to support the over 4,500 people in this community living with dementia.
After the opening ceremonies, for those who aren’t able to walk long distances, there will be a route at the Parrott Centre. Those who are a bit more adventurous can continue walk over to the Napanee Fair Grounds, where they will walk the perimeter and return to the Parrott Centre. There will be a quiz along the walk testing one’s knowledge on dementia and hopefully they will learn some important facts. Once they get back to the Parrott Centre, folks can submit their answers to be put in a draw.
Because its Mother’s Day weekend, the first 50 women will receive a flower as well.
The walk is important for the local Alzheimer’s society because only 40 per cent of their funding comes from the ministry. Therefore they need to raise the rest so that they can continue to offer their care givers and those living with dementia as much support as possible. All of their programming, education and support is free.
To take part in the May 11 walk, register a team at or donate to someone who is walking.
“I am really excited to be part of this event and to further support our community,” said Lorraine Ross, education and support coordinator for Alzheimer Society of KFLA. “I encourage you to submit a team, whether it’s your family, your workplace or your friends, because, unfortunately, we all know someone effected by dementia. We have had great community support with other events, and I expect we will be very successful with the walk because of all of the caring people in the area.”
Special guests to this year’s events will include Greater Napanee mayor Terry Richardson, Hastings Lennox and Addington MP Shelby Kramp-Neuman, and Hastings Lennox and Addington MPP Ric Bresee.