Desiree DeCoste
Beaver Staff
With everyone feeling the psychological and physiological effects of COVID-19 related restrictions, especially for older adults, Seniors Outreach Services (SOS) are implementing a new free telephone/on-line virtual based seniors’ activity program called Seniors Centre Without Walls (SCWW).
For most older adults the heightened fear of contracting the virus, a sudden decrease in connectivity, the loss of outside supports and/or not being able to hug their loved ones can make their situation more difficult and challenging.
As hunger is a warning sign to eat and is essential to our very survival, likewise loneliness is a sign we need connection with others, as we are social beings after all.
To combat loneliness and assist those who are isolating themselves due to fear of contracting the virus, SOS is implementing SCWW, which is a new free telephone/on-line virtual based seniors’ activity program, with funding provided by the United Way of Kingston and Frontenac, Lennox and Addington Emergency Community Support Fund.
SOS has also received funding from the Community Foundations of Lennox and Addington for a partnership program for their members with Zeal Holistic Health. Zeal has implemented a virtual strategy for their business and SOS are partnering with them to offer their monthly subscription for programming at a reduced rate for their members.
Participants in this program must be a senior 55 years of age or older and must be a member of SOS servicing Lennox & Addington county.
How the SCWW will work will be through programs with multi-person phone conversations or conference calls, no special equipment is needed as any phone will do, participants can call themselves into the program or the program can call them, each phone session averages eight-10 people on the call and membership and registration is required.
Research indicates lonely people have higher levels of activated viruses in their system and are at a greater risk of suffering with chronic inflammation which is linked to type two diabetes, arthritis, heart disease and suicide. While obesity increases the odds of an early death by 20 per cent, loneliness increases the odds by 45 per cent.
Some programs being offered average three activities per day such as educational/learning workshops for health, wellness and financial/legal tips, brain teasers, games such as bingo, Family Feud and finish the lyrics and travelogues, biographies or book clubs. There will also be an average of three Fitness classes per week such as chair yoga, gentle stretch and meditation.
SCWW is a nationwide initiative that began with the Good Companions Seniors’ Centre in Ottawa where it has been running successfully for a number of years. The SCWW program provides free recreational activities over the phone with a group of other older adults in the community.
SCWW works to minimize financial, transportation and environmental barriers as well as relieve isolation, loneliness and reduces ER visits by 50 per cent for its participants.
Those wanting to feel a part of a group from the comfort of their home and get a membership and register can contact Kimberley at 613-354-6668 ext 110