Napanee residents roll up their sleeves and give

In 2004 World Blood Donor Day was designated internationally as June 14. In Canada, the week that includes that date was declared in 2008 by an act of Parliament as National Blood Donor Week.  I am happy to note that our Council in timely fashion on May 9 declared June 11 – 17, 2023 to be Blood Donor Week in Greater Napanee. However, by June this was drowned out by other clamour.


On June 14 the Canadian Minister of Health thanked “those who have selflessly helped to save lives by donating blood, plasma, and other blood products”, and wished to raise awareness of the importance of blood donation nationwide. In 1989 at the urging of a senior Officer of the Ontario Knights of Columbus we tried to start a blood donor clinic in Napanee. However, we were turned down because we were too far away from Toronto or Ottawa because the blood had to be sent quickly to a central blood bank. Luckily the teachers at Loyalist College in Belleville struck (or was it God) when the next clinic was due to be held there. We were asked if we could set one up in two weeks. We did it in the gym of J.J. O’Neill. Within a year we were the fastest growing clinic in South Eastern Ontario. Clinics are held six times a year with minimum donations being about a 100, but usually nearer to a 125. In the last 34 years the citizens of our town and rural area have donated over 21,000 units (about two cups) of blood! In response to a donor question, I checked one year that our great local hospital uses less blood in a year than we donate. I submit that that is something of which this community can justifiably be truly proud. Each donation can save up to three lives. Perhaps that can be our emphasis next June. Donations typically drop off in summer months and demand remains high with road accidents, so we urge new and prior donors to please step up.

Thank you and God bless you all.

Roger Wales
Napanee Area Convener

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