MacKinnon Brothers named winners of Sollio Next Generation Award

Marilyn Côté, Jean-Philippe Côté, Normand Lapointe (members of the judging panel), Terry and Sandra O’Neill, (TCO Agromart Ltd.), Anna, Ivan, Evelyn, Henry, and Nicole MacKinnon (MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Co.), Richard Ferland (President of Sollio Cooperative Group), and Casper Kaastra (CEO of Sollio Agriculture) at the Sollio Next Generations Awards gala on Feb. 29. Submitted photo.

Sollio Agriculture, the Agri-business Division of Sollio Cooperative  Group, announced MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Company in Bath has earned top prize under the New Farm Enterprise category at its Sollio Next Generation Award gala on  Feb. 29.

MacKinnon Brothers Brewing Company uses its own beer malted barley and hops from the  MacKinnon family farm that has been in operation since 1784. The brothers behind the brewery, Ivan and Daniel, are an engineer and an agronomist who decided to pursue their passion for  brewing. The farm has a strong sustainable approach to brewing and is also a destination for  agritourism, with a tasting room, a reception hall, a music festival. The Sollio Next Generation  Award aims to celebrate farmers like the MacKinnons, who are innovating and adding value to their  products.

The Sollio Next Generation Award is the only recognition of its kind for Canadian agricultural  businesses. For the second year in a row, the contest included a category for clients of  The Agromart Group, a Sollio Agriculture partner network in Eastern Canada. Farmers who would  like to apply for the 2024–2025 Sollio Next Generation Award can now talk to their Agromart partner  or visit the Sollio Group Cooperative website. Applications must be received by April 1, 2024.

“The Sollio Next Generation Award plays an important role not only by recognizing entrepreneurs  who have successfully managed a farm succession or started a new farm enterprise, but also in  highlighting innovative farming practices from across Canada,” said Casper Kaastra, Chief  Executive Officer of Sollio Agriculture “Together with our partners from The Agromart Group, we  are delighted to honour the remarkable stories of passion and courage of MacKinnon Brothers  Brewing Company. Congratulations! When farmers share their best practices and inspiring stories,  everybody wins.”

The Next Generation Award showcases the Sollio Cooperative Group and The Agromart Group farming families who have successfully transferred or started a farm  business. A pan-Canadian cooperative, Sollio Agriculture seeks to provide farm entrepreneurs with  the opportunity to draw on the best local models for farm succession and new farm enterprises.

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