Love and the cosmos the focus of February’s L&A Museum virtual events

Desirée DeCoste
Beaver Staf

The Lennox Addington Museum will be hosting virtual events through February with one take home kit activity.

The museum will start this series of free events with ‘Love of Pottery’, which will include a limited amount of free take-home clay kits available to those who register starting at 10 am on Feb. 1.

Valentine’s Day is around the corner and the clay kits with all the supplies and instructions are perfect to create a gift for your favourite person.

Feb. 3 at 7 p.m. ‘The Evolution of Mars Rovers—Trip to Mars with Dr. Cass Marion’ will dive into the history of Mars Rovers, what they know about the red planet and get an update on current Mars operations.

Dr. Cassandra Marion is currently the Science Advisor at the Canada Aviation and Space Museum. An explorer at heart, Cassandra is an avid outdoorswoman and is passionate about sharing her knowledge of space and geology with the community. She received her PhD at Western University in Geology and Planetary Science and Exploration. Her studies focus on meteorite impact craters and lunar and Martian analogue sites in the Canadian Arctic, as well as human and robotic mission simulations to develop technologies and scientific operations for the Moon and Mars. This event is a free virtual event and requires registration.

Join the L&A County Museum for an engaging workshop on Feb. 5, at 2 p.m. entitled ‘Astrology: Its local and global cultural history, scientific roots, and value as a mytho-poetic system.’  The talk will include the local indigenous history and global history of the ancient art of star-charts and star-reading (including the development of mapping and naming of stars and planets of the solar system and the universe), the shared scientific roots of astrology and astronomy, and the value and gifts available to those ‘looking to the stars’ for personal and mytho-poetic enrichment in the modern world.  Join local Sidereal Astrologer Rielly Stares for a trip through shared cultural meaning-making and imagination.

Stares has studied astrology for about 16 years and is a professional Sidereal Astrologer living in the Kingston area.  She was born in Kingston and was educated at Queen’s University.  An avid mathematics and science enthusiast, Stares is pleased to present this historical-survey astrology workshop that explores how the mystical relates to the mathematical and how sorcery relates to science. This is a free virtual program. Pre-registration is required.

Join astronomer Dave Hanes for a virtual trip around the stars at his virtual talk, ‘Interstellar Travel—Virtual talk with Dr. Dave Hanes’ Feb. 15 at 7 p.m.

Hanes is an observational astronomer who has enjoyed the privilege of using the great observatories and telescopes of the world, in locations like the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii, the Chilean Andes, Australia, the Canary Islands, Arizona, California, and Israel – and even in space (the Hubble Telescope).

Hanes is interested in the ‘cosmological distance scale’ (the size and age of the universe); the formation of galaxies and their interactions; and the nature of globular star clusters, which contain the oldest known stars, ‘fossil’ remnants of the earliest stages of stellar formation.

Globular clusters, containing the oldest known stars, may date from the earliest formation stages of galaxies, shortly after the Big Bang. Their chemical compositions, dynamics, and spatial distributions are therefore important diagnostics for our understanding of the chemical and dynamical evolution of galaxies. This is a free virtual program and registration is required.

To register for theses events visit

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