70 Years Ago
March 3, 1948
– The Central Housing and Mortgage Corporation was considering building a 25-home development in Napanee to offer homes for veterans. F. A. Spry, a representative of the corporation, told council the plan would see five homes built on an acre of land with the town receiving $70-80 a house. Rental of the homes would be $36.60 per month for a house with two bedrooms and a basement.
Some members of council were confident there would be enough veterans to rent the houses, but others were concerned there weren’t enough businesses willing to pay enough in salaries for them to afford rent. Council decided to investigate the opportunity further and consider it at a later date.
– Napanee area residents were grieving from two tragic deaths in one day. In the early morning hours, March 1, Morven’s Edith Lund was found dead after fire badly damaged her home. Lund was 83 and she had been living alone in her home since her husband’s death six years prior and it was reported she hadn’t been in good health.
Later that morning, 17-year-old Edward John was found dead in his car after it got stuck in a hole on the “ice bridge” between Adolphustown and Glenora. His exhaust pipe was converged in water and the engine was still running when fisherman broke open his window. It was thought that John died from carbon monoxide poisoning.
40 Years Ago
March 1, 1978
– Family, friends, and teammates of Strathcona’s Scott Finlay, 21, were hoping for the best after he suffered a fall at the Shell Cup Canadian downhill skiing championships in Lake Louise, Alta. and had to be airlifted to a Calgary hospital.
Finlay was listed in critical condition after undergoing emergency surgery for the head and neck injuries he sustained in what had been described as a double somersault fall into trees.
– The Yarker Education Supporters met with the Lennox and Addington County Board of Education and stressed the value of keeping the school in their community open. Rev. Barry Joynt, of the East Camden Pastoral Charge, said the school was the one place in a community where everyone has a common interest and equal sense of belonging. Local councillors also spoke in favour of the school. The board indicated it would make a final decision about the potential closure March 7.
– The nightly Wintario draw program was to be broadcast at NDSS with co-hosts Fred Davis and Faye Dance visiting Napanee to give away five $100,000 prizes. Tickets to the live show would be sold with proceeds to benefit ARC Industries.