80 years ago
July, 18, 1939
Demanding even more rigid enforcement of Ontario’s highway traffic laws, Attorney General G.D. Conant instructed provincial motorcycle police to spend less time in court, enabling them to spend more time patrolling the roads.
-In recognition for their bravery in capturing a criminal, 27-year old Earl Bradshaw and 18-year-old Harold Bawn were presented with a cheque for $25 and a scroll from Attorney General G.D. Conant. They were commended for their courage in capturing a man who was trying to rifle a safe in the Bradshaw flour mill in Tamworth.
-Plans to have a bird sanctuary on the Cataraqui River for five miles above Kingston were nearing completion as the Kingston and District Gun and Rod Club secured signatures of property owners along the river. The only shooting to be allowed within the property was the killing of vermin by farmers.
30 years ago
July 12, 1989
The North Fredericksburgh Kings went undefeated through six games at the Ontario Junior Eliminations, earning the right to represent Ontario in New Brunswick at the Canadian championships. The team was coached by Terry Gray. Jim Elder was named the tournament’s MVP, batting .429 while playing flawless shortstop and delivering 14 innings of shutout pitching.
-Napanee’s men’s hockey league was considering legal action against the town following council’s decision to grant the new Junior C team-the Napanee Raiders-an hour of practice time on Thursday nights.
The league’s president said the move would ‘kibosh’ the league altogether as they would have to go from playing 9:30 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. to 10 p.m. to midnight.
Napanee Fair Queen Laura Lowry was invited to take part in a parade south of the border.
Seated in the back of a 1963 Stingray, she brought greetings from Canada as she rode down the street of Cape Vincent, NY.
-Marlene Kelderman was named the Lennox and Addington Dairy Princess, who was handed the crown by her predecessor Angela Brown at the L&A Dairy Princess Competition and Holstein Club Barbecue.