Erinsville’s Lauralee Mills will be taking part in Wounded Warriors Canada’s Battlefield 100 Days to Victory Bike Ride fundraiser June 13-17, cycling from France to Belgium.
Wounded Warriors Canada provides a range of clinically facilitated mental health programs specifically developed to support the unique needs of veterans, first responders and their families. Mills has been involved with Wounded Warriors since their inaugural Highway for Heroes ride in 2016.
From June 13 – 17, Mills, as part of a group of 100, will cycle from Arras, France to Mons, Belgium – the route the Canadian Corps trekked during the last 100 days of WWI. The Battlefield Ride will be Mill’s longest ride yet, at over 400 km.
Being an Afghanistan Veteran, Mills knows all to well the side effects from a war. After Serving 15 years in the CAF she was medically released in 2017. Suffering from PTSD, anxiety and depression, she knows how important funding for the programs that are offered through Wounded Warriors are. She has numerous body injuries and at age 55 is in need of a hip replacement, yet even though she has trauma to her body she does not let that hold her back.
“Cycling is my therapy,” she said. “I found the love for cycling back in 2012 when I was informed by my medical team that running is something I should give up. Yet cycling is how I cope. When I am on my bike I free my mind. There is no pain, there are no thoughts, just the wind and sun in my face.”
Mills has set a fundraising goal of $5,000. She is hoping with the support of the community she will surpass her goal.
While honouring Canadian soldiers’ service and sacrifice during WWI, the money raised will help support the mental health programs offered by Wounded Warriors Canada.
Mills will be riding with her friend Miranda Zeppieri and they are fundraising both individually and as Team Zip and Mills.
A link to Mills’ fundraising page can be found at: