Local driving habits are a problem

Walking and driving around Napanee one cannot help but notice a number of troubling behaviours exhibited by today’s motorists. In most of urban Napanee the speed limit is 50 kilometres per hour.  To many drivers that appears to be nothing but a suggestion. Ten, 20, even 30 km/h over that limit appears to be the norm.  On part of Bridge Street West the posted limit is 40 km/h; those who adhere to that speed find other drivers impatiently tailgating them.

As for stop signs that’s another story.  Rolling stops or completely ignoring the sign is very common.  Are people in such a hurry that coming to a complete stop is an inconvenience?

Pedestrians trying to cross the street at corners and traffic lights often find themselves in dangerous situations.  Drivers making left hand turns don’t always check for people crossing the road.

I was taught that an amber light was a sign to stop at the intersection as the light was about to turn red.  Many of today’s drivers think nothing of speeding up for an amber light and passing through the intersection on a red light.

These are just a few examples of the poor habits many drivers display. What to do? Some suggestions:

• Drivers could obey the rules of the road.

• Council could petition the OPP  to crack down on drivers who ignore the rules. Blitz areas where offences are commonly committed.  Fines and/or demerit points should get people’s attention.

• Consider lowering the speed limit in urban Napanee to 40 km/h.  This has been done successfully in other municipalities.

• Install speed bumps on roads where speeding is particularly worrisome.

• Put stop signs on long stretches of open road (i.e. Bridge and Dundas Streets) to slow motorists down.

Driving a car is a privilege, not a right.  Let’s show some respect for our fellow drivers and especially pedestrians.

Keith Chapman,
Greater Napanee

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