KFLA Public Health’s Walking to Wellness returns to provide opportunities to stay active this winter

Adam Prudhomme

Because winter weather doesn’t always lend itself to being active, KFLA Public Health is once again hosting its indoor Walking to Wellness program.

Back for a second year, the free social walking program is held at sites across the region, including Napanee’s Strathcona Paper Centre, Amherstview’s W.J. Henderson Arena as well as four Kingston facilities.

Walking to Wellness operates on a simple premise-walkers, strollers and wheelchairs are welcome to drop by a participating location during their designated two hour window and do leisurely laps inside the facility.

“The Walking to Wellness program last year was a tremendous success, we had a fantastic turnout for a first year and lots of enthusiasm from our participants, which was really inspiring,” said Amie Krasnozon, a public health nurse with KFLA Public Health. “Come September we had quite a few inquiries through emails and phone calls about when the program would be starting this year.”

Participants can set their own pace and enjoy the pros of being active while staying safe from the elements and hazards of icy weather.

“The health benefits of regular physical activity such as walking helps healthy growth and development, it gives us energy, it decreases stress, it makes us stronger,” said Krasnozon. “It also prolongs independence as we age. It can help prevent chronic diseases such as cancer, hypertension, heart disease and diabetes. When you walk regularly, just like other kinds of moderate to low impact physical activity, it can improve your cardio respiratory fitness and function. As a regular walker, you’re less likely to fall because your bones are stronger, you’re less likely to sustain injuries because your joints have better range of motion and your muscles are more flexible and we’re hoping through our program that you have the benefit of socializing and meeting members of your community and the satisfaction you get from going for a walk and having a chat.”

Walking to Wellness is held Monday to Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Strathcona Paper Centre. In Amherstview its held Tuesday to Thursday from 9 to 11 a.m. Other sites include Rideau Heights Community Centre, the Invista Centre, Kingston East Community Centre and the Memorial Centre. The program will run through April 28.

For a full schedule, visit https://www.kflaph.ca/en/health-topics/walking-to-wellness.aspx.

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